VCAP-DCV Deploy Exam Simulator

VCAP-DCV Deploy Exam Simulator

This awesome project is in stand by mode. If you have an idea, send me a message 🙂

34 thoughts on “VCAP-DCV Deploy Exam Simulator

  1. I was one of the beta testers for the VCAP Simulator and i can say without doubt that is amazing. Ricardo put a great effort to built this, so if you are preparing for the exame don’t waste more time, schedule now!

  2. I just finished the VCAP6-DCV Deployment simulator, you really did a great job, I felt that I am attending the real exam. Grateful always.

  3. Very good experience with sense of what we might be getting in VCAP exam. I can see how much effort it takes to do this. Thank you for the excellent simulator.
    Greatly appreciated

  4. Great job! Very useful Test Lab. Thank you for your fast responses for the Lab issue at the beginning and during the rest Lab process.

  5. Thank you very much. It was a great opportunity which will help me to go for VCAP. You did a big and great job preparing this lab and give us this chance to check our skills. Much appreciated.

  6. Ricardo has done a great service for people like me who are preparing to take the exam in a week’s time. The simulator has made me realize some gaps in my study in which I will take note not to make the same mistakes in my exam. Great work and thank you!

  7. Great simulator it helped me to not only think about what I needed to brush up on, but also to confirm that I was ready to sit for my exam. I sat on the 5th of September and passed!

  8. Hats off Ricardo ! This is by far the best Lab I have ever seen. Carefully built with intriguing questions that will make you work your grey cells. This simulator not only helped me test my skills, but also made me curious about how it was built thus introducing me to the unknown world of AWS and Ravello Systems.

    Ricardo please keep us posted when you add new scenarios and let me know if I can be of any help.

    Muchas Gracias !

  9. Thank you very much for offering this lab to those in need! I felt you had an awesome balance between simple and challenging always keeping me on my toes.

    I really appreciated it and I learned alot!


    Now..on to get my VCAP6-DCV now! 🙂

  10. Hello, All!
    Your simulator is excellent, but it is necessary to finalize the tasks manual.
    Ricardo, thank you for your best job!
    It was interesting to me.

  11. This is the best lab you can ever get to practice lab before VCAP. VCAP deployment exam looked too difficult for me until I tried using this simulator. I would recommend everyone to try this simulator lab once atleast before you appear for the exam. RICARDO, hats off to your effort and thanx a ton for all the help you gave me… Cheers Mate!!

  12. Hi Ricardo,
    Thank you for the simulator experience.
    It was quite fun and challenging 😊
    The performance was quite good.
    I am doing the VCAP Deploy on Friday. And now I am more confident to pass it.

  13. Hi, Is the VCAP simulator still live? There are no available dates in December or Jan/Feb 2020. Thanks. Pin.

  14. Hi, I just finished my almost 3hrs in the VCAP simulator. It was a nice experience to train some scenarios and questions that might occure during the real exam that I am planning to do in a couple of weeks. Thank you so much for keeping up the cool simulator 🙂 Scheduling and delivery of the lab worked perfect.

  15. Boa tarde!

    Caro este projeto esta vivo ainda, como posso participar. Poderia me envia o link e datas

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